Oh Comely: Representation
1) How do representations in Oh Comely challenge stereotypes?
Oh Comely challenged stereotypes as women are being portrayed different. Instead of acknowledging their beauty, we acknowledge their intellect and other parts of their beauty apart from them being in very short clothes.
2) What representations of race, ethnicity and nationality can be found in the 'Speaking Out' feature?
They don't use traditional models on their magazine, for example,they used a Somalian girl which is a race that hasn't been represented all that much in mainstream magazines for some reason and they have chosen to challenge this.
3) What representation of women and femininity can be found in Oh Comely?
Oh Comely focuses on empowering women and showing how women cam be very successful for very positive things and deserve to be appreciated as much as men.
4) Why might Oh Comely deliberately under-represent men? (The absence of men in the magazine appears to be a largely deliberate move by the editors).
The editors may deliberately under represent men to show how they are challenging the stereotypes and with a niche audience of women a feature of a man may not be very successful and may cause them to have criticism that they are actually just like every other magazine.
5) Does Oh Comely fit into the possible fourth wave of feminism? Or is it evidence of post-feminism - that feminism is no longer needed?
I think that it does not show evidence of post feminism as this magazine in ways is to outbreak and say what they want to, which is what is not possible in an industry which is dominated by men.
6) How does the 'More than gender' feature challenge Levi-Strauss's structuralist theory of binary opposition?
Because they argue against the magazines values in this article.
7) Judith Butler argues gender is a performance. How does Oh Comely challenge traditional gender roles? You should refer to both the cover and the selected CSP features.
On the front cover,her appearance and pose have been constructed in order to highlight her facial features and present her as a powerful character. Her pose does not make her her physique look better and her clothing does not reveal her skin ,but instead, covers it.
8) Angela McRobbie explored the empowering nature of women's lifestyle magazines in the 1990s. Oh Comely seeks female empowerment in a different way. What differences can you find between Oh Comely and more traditional women's lifestyle magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Glamour?
They attempt to free women from this cycle of just being used for their sexuality.
9) David Gauntlett argues that identity is becoming more fluid, media representations change over time and that there are generational differences. Does Oh Comely support this viewpoint?
I think this is true as more people fight for what they believe we have a much more wide range of beliefs and socially acceptable values and beliefs and i think that oh comely does in fact support this viewpoint.
10) It has been argued that Oh Comely is a far more open text (Stuart Hall - encoding and decoding) with
more room for negotiation in interpretation. Do you agree with this view? Why?
I do agree with this view as they often do not have text which dictates what you should think and normally has an image which allows you to interpret the image in the way you would like.
Oh Comely challenged stereotypes as women are being portrayed different. Instead of acknowledging their beauty, we acknowledge their intellect and other parts of their beauty apart from them being in very short clothes.
2) What representations of race, ethnicity and nationality can be found in the 'Speaking Out' feature?
They don't use traditional models on their magazine, for example,they used a Somalian girl which is a race that hasn't been represented all that much in mainstream magazines for some reason and they have chosen to challenge this.
3) What representation of women and femininity can be found in Oh Comely?
Oh Comely focuses on empowering women and showing how women cam be very successful for very positive things and deserve to be appreciated as much as men.
4) Why might Oh Comely deliberately under-represent men? (The absence of men in the magazine appears to be a largely deliberate move by the editors).
The editors may deliberately under represent men to show how they are challenging the stereotypes and with a niche audience of women a feature of a man may not be very successful and may cause them to have criticism that they are actually just like every other magazine.
5) Does Oh Comely fit into the possible fourth wave of feminism? Or is it evidence of post-feminism - that feminism is no longer needed?
Because they argue against the magazines values in this article.
7) Judith Butler argues gender is a performance. How does Oh Comely challenge traditional gender roles? You should refer to both the cover and the selected CSP features.
On the front cover,her appearance and pose have been constructed in order to highlight her facial features and present her as a powerful character. Her pose does not make her her physique look better and her clothing does not reveal her skin ,but instead, covers it.
8) Angela McRobbie explored the empowering nature of women's lifestyle magazines in the 1990s. Oh Comely seeks female empowerment in a different way. What differences can you find between Oh Comely and more traditional women's lifestyle magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Glamour?
They attempt to free women from this cycle of just being used for their sexuality.
9) David Gauntlett argues that identity is becoming more fluid, media representations change over time and that there are generational differences. Does Oh Comely support this viewpoint?
I think this is true as more people fight for what they believe we have a much more wide range of beliefs and socially acceptable values and beliefs and i think that oh comely does in fact support this viewpoint.
10) It has been argued that Oh Comely is a far more open text (Stuart Hall - encoding and decoding) with
more room for negotiation in interpretation. Do you agree with this view? Why?
I do agree with this view as they often do not have text which dictates what you should think and normally has an image which allows you to interpret the image in the way you would like.
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