Teen vogue and the voice Week 3 and 4

Brexit deal vote delayed: Theresa May set to postpone Tuesday’s ‘meaningful vote’ on draft Withdrawal Agreement.
There has been long and hard discussion about the future of the country and Tuesday the 11th was the date set to have the final decision made, however it appears that the prime minister was mistaken and may make a U turn on the so called meeting which was vital in her opinion, is no longer as import as she mentioned as ministers have now advised her that in this vote she will still be heavily defeated and that this vote would be embarrassing. We are now in a situation where there we are back peddling and this is making the country look weaker, although i believe we should remain i don't think that we should change our decision after we made it or else it would be pointless.
There are now many conditions we would have to agree to, to now become part of the EU once again and would likely have to change to the euro and extend our tariffs and not be able to trade with everyone and make out tariffs how we would wish without pleasing the country and treating places like Ireland differently due to these tariffs.

Media To Blame For Targeting Of Black Players, Says Sterling

He states that a player in his position would be celebrated if he were not black and would be praised for being signed by an excellent team so early in his age and have an incredible season, however he states that the media have taken a negative view on his life and the way he has done things and he believes this is due to his race. This does mean that he has faced a lot of abuse and it has actually stumped his career. He believes that the media are shaping the fans to see him in a negative light and place him in a position where the other teams are obviously not a fan of his since he is in a rival club, however his own teams fans hurl abuse at his no matter how he plays and Sterling very modestly does not blame the fans but blames the media for making them think inn this way.


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