Reception Theory

The dominant view of this advert is to show 50 Cent as a black man who had a hard lifestyle and was allegedly shot 8 times and still managed to be a successful music artist, director and actor. It is showing him as inspiration. Majority of their target audience is the younger generation who are around the age of 15/16 and 50 Cent is an iconic figure whose music most people between the age of 10-25 have heard of. It also allows people of a young age who are in a similar situation to him will look up to him and try to do the things which he did right in perhaps an even better way then he had done them himself.
The opposing view of this advert is that they are exploiting his experiences and showing his community and the area, which he was raised to be a violent place. Some people call 50 Cent a sell out for doing things such as acting and adverts such as this one , as they believe that he is exploiting his experiences, although it is something that many people go through.
The negotiated view is that he does use his past experiences to make the adverts more successful, however he has actually been through all these tough periods in his life which are rare and most people wouldn't have, which gives him the right to talk about his experiences and use them to make himself successful.

The dominant view of this image is that the fact that Coke has been the leading drink choice by many for years. The theory of natural selection states that animals which cannot adapt or do not have the survival skills to stay alive will eventually be whipped out at the will not be able to produce offspring which will have an advantageous skill over other animals will die. Effectively the theory of survival of the fittest. The advert implies that other drinks will be wiped out as the are unable to keep up with Coke and only this will survive ,as it has an advantage over the other drinks. The "#choosehappiness" also implies that coke brings happiness to people and it is one of the most effective ways to receive happiness.
The opposing view is that Coke is making extremely bold accusations throughout this entire advert and firstly the statement that Coke brings happiness is not factual and has been fabricated to force the idea that Coke is the correct choice and even implies that other drink companies are inferior and would be wiped out by natural selection.
The negotiated view is that although Coke have made some bold statements throughout this advert, they have been the leading drink choice by many around the world and therefore they have the right to brag about their achievements.
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