Representation and Men's Health

1) Why is Men's Health defined as a 'lifestyle magazine'?

"They make sure to show its readers from the first pages that the publication is not just limited to healthy questions, but it includes more topics concerning men."  This 'lifestyle' term was conceived as a marketing strategy to grab men’s attention.

2) Why is advertising significant in helping to shape masculine identity?

Advertising is significant in helping to shape masculine identity as this is what allows many of the magazines to continue running as this is the main source of profit over the actual the cost of the magazine and allows magazines to reduce their cost price as the magazines advertisements could be seen as a sort of subsidy which will reduce the companies costs of production and arguably this is how many of the trend setting forms of media are funded.

3) The article suggests that the representation of masculinity in Men's Health is not fixed or natural and is subject to constant change. What media theorists that we have studied previously can be linked to these ideas?

it states that masculinity is neither fixed nor created and and that there can actually be different versions of masculinity at the same time.

4) What does the article suggest Men's Health encourages its readers to be? What examples and statistics are provided to develop the idea of men as consumers?

“The global market for male grooming products grew by an impressive average annual rate of 5.7% between 1997-2005”.

5) What representations of the male body can be found in Men's Health?

Some of the representations of the male body are being healthy and fit and being some what of a alpha male and suggests that you should always be trying to have a the best body and that this is one of the most important things which they can achieve or they will be left behind.

6) What does the article suggest regarding the objectification of men?

There has been an increase in the objectification of men in the media and magazines, as it allows them to use the males which are being objectified in the magazines to sell more products as people who read or are exposed to this will want to be like them and will purchase the items.

7) What is 'metrosexuality' and how can it be applied to Men's Health?

A heterosexual urban man who enjoys shopping, fashion, and similar interests traditionally associated with women or homosexual men.

8) What representation of men in Men's Health is discussed in the section 'Homogenous bodies'?

Mens Health seems to belong to the mainstream discourse which portrays the dominant depictions of maleness in physical terms, linked to power, strength, and youth.

9) What are the conclusions drawn by the article with regards to the representation of masculinity in Men's Health?

Mens Health suggests that people should follow the main paths which they believe males should all follow, however seem to suggest in many other parts that people should have their own identity and should be their own person, however still seem to show that this is the way the men should behave and dress. 

10) What is your own view of the representation of masculinity in Men's Health? Is it a positive representation that encourages men to the best they can be or is it a hypermasculine, consumer-driven representation designed to undermine men's confidence and objectify their bodies?

I think that the representation of masculinity is hyper masculine, however does suggest that it encourages men to b the best possible version of themselves and could arguably be making the nation healthier as they promote many of the people in their magazines who have peoples ideal bodies and this may encourage people to become healthier for themselves.


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