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the image only uses black and white colours which may be to show that a serious message is being portayed by someone who a lot of people know and will proabably turn heads to see what they are talking about
the image and text both take up half of the screen so we know that they are both equally important and can see thatsomething important is being told here even tho it is only by a sports company which normally people wouldnt think would give out important messages.
there is a use of studio lighting to make 50 cent stand out so that people are attracted to the advert as they can see a familiar face. the largest text on the poster is the watermark of "i am what i am" which is a phrase people often use on a daily basis, which makes the advert much more relatable to an audience and could potetntially cause them to purchase a product.
they have not specifies any product which they are selling by displaying it or shown somone who is associated with a sport such as cristiano ronaldo which would have limited the audience to football fans, however by using somoene who people know, but is not fixiated with a cetain sport allows them to have a very large audience for their range of products.
this advert takes advantage of how famous Neymar is and shows him to be the main fauture of this advert, even more so then the boots which they are advertising as people cannot not reate to boots.
is implies that the boots however produce this almost super power and animate this explosion behind him as he runs as people are used to viewing this from their younger years and automatically think that the boots will give them this ability and they have reinsured this thought into the audiences mind by saying"explosive speed". there is also a clear blur of the stadium in order to make neymar stand out along with the boots. there appears to also be some red lines behind him which reinforce the colours of the signature Mercurial boots by nike.
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