
Showing posts from May, 2018

Representation and Men's Health

1) Why is Men's Health defined as a 'lifestyle magazine'? "T hey make sure to show its readers from the first pages that the publication is not just limited to healthy questions, but it includes more topics concerning men."   This 'lifestyle' term was conceived as a marketing strategy to grab men’s attention. 2) Why is advertising significant in helping to shape masculine identity? Advertising is significant in helping to shape masculine identity as this is what allows many of the magazines to continue running as this is the main source of profit over the actual the cost of the magazine and allows magazines to reduce their cost price as the magazines advertisements could be seen as a sort of subsidy which will reduce the companies costs of production and arguably this is how many of the trend setting forms of media are funded. 3) The article suggests that the representation of masculinity in Men's Health is not fixed or natural and is subje...

Magazine Index

1)  Men's Health - Audience 2)  Men's Health - booklet blog summary 3)  Men's Health - Representation journal article and questions 4)  Magazine production task - learner response 5)  Men's Health - Industries and the impact of digital media

Magazine Learner response

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image. 2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. WWW - Effective image/ layout.  - Good use of Blur / Vignette  EBI - Wrong choice of typography for cover title. - Closer attention to detail. e.g. spelling  3) Consider your mark against the mark scheme above. What are the strengths of your production based on the the mark scheme? Think about magazine cover  conventions  and the media language techniques you have used to communicate with your audience (e.g. mise-en-scene, camera shot etc.) I think that some of my strengths were more in the actual editing of the photo to try and make it as close as possible to the original picture so that it can easily be compared and also to show some of the visual effects such as the blur or vignette. 4) Look at the mark scheme again. What can you do to move your mark higher...

Men's Health analysis

1) Write a one-paragraph summary of your notes for each key concept from the booklet: Media Language (e.g. conventions, narrative, genre etc.) Media Industries (e.g. Hearst Communications) Media Audiences (e.g. demographics, psychographics, pleasures) Media Representations (e.g. masculinity) 2) Identify three specific aspects/conventions (e.g. cover line, colour scheme, text, image etc.) from each page of the CSP that you could refer to in a future exam. Explain why that particular aspect of the CSP is important - think about connotations, representations, audience pleasures, reception theory etc. Front cover: Vin Diesel Editor's Letter and contents page Feature: True Grit - 'The Marathon Man' 3) Type up three media theories that you think are particularly relevant to analysing Men's Health and explain why they are significant: 4) Type up three quotes from the booklet that you think are particularly useful for analysing Men's ...

Media magazine practical

1) Final magazine cover: 2) Write an  evaluation  of your work: have you succeeded in your brief to create a new, original edition of an existing magazine? I think that I have succeeded in creating a similar copy to an existing magazine although I could have had more differences I chose to try and show off some of the things which would have been harder to replicate from the original magazine in an attempt to show my ability, but added a few original things to it to make it what I would like to think even better. 3) Put your cover alongside a couple of genuine covers of your chosen magazine. How   professional  is you r work alongside genuine examples Mine: Original: 4) What is the strongest aspect of your work? I think that the strongest aspect of my work is how many subtle features are included which the original magazine cover has and will probably not be acknowledged at first glance but are actually some...

Magazines - Audience

1) How does the magazine introduce itself? M en's Health introduces itself as a very popular men's lifestyle magazine. 2) What does the introduction suggest about the representation of masculinity in Men's Health's? The introduction suggests that the magazine is quite masculine as it has the targeted gender in the name of the magazine, suggesting that the representation of men is quite hyper masculine. 3) How do the print statistics for Men's Health compare to GQ and Esquire? The print statistics of Men's Health compared to GQ and Esquire is much more higher. This indicates  that because Men's Health has a larger target audience, it has a larger readership, sales and circulation 4) What is the difference between circulation and readership? Circulation is just how many copies of a media text are bought, whereas readership is how many people are actually reading the magazine overall. E.g, in a gym, there may be a circulation of 2 Men's Health magaz...